DANGER: 2020-2024, Aage og Johann Louis-Hansens Fond, 2,5M DKK.
Dementia Analysis for ALS through Eye Information.
Role: Co-I.
ClinRead: 2020-2022, Novo Nordisk Foundation, 544K DKK.
Rapid Clinical Note Mining for New Languages
Role: Sole PI.
LITHME: 2020-2024, EU COST action, €11K.
lithme.eu Language In The Human-Machine Era.
Role: core proposer, management committee.
FaDa: 2020-2021, UFM, 146K DKK.
Enabling language technology for the Faroe Islands and Denmark.
Role: official participant.
Verif-AI: 2020-2022, DFF, 2,9M DKK.
Automatic multilingual misinformation detection and fact verification support.
Role: PI (sole applicant).
Deep Learning Generative Models for Content Structuring: 2019-2022, InnovationsFonden PhD, 1,07M DKK.
Role: PI for ITU.